
Monday, January 3, 2011

A Little Help

Sometimes we all need a little extra motivation to exercise. Or in my case, a lot of extra motivation. I do best with a race in front of me or being pushed by someone else. That's why I splurged and hired a trainer to beat on me for the next 10 weeks.

Actually, Tracy the Trainer, is a sweet, petite, enthusiastic fitness czar. She's pushing me beyond my comfort zone and I'm already surprised at how quickly my body is responding. My muscles are remembering what exercise feels like. My legs are eager to start running again. My breathing is less labored. My heart is pounding less. And best of all, I'm actually having fun. Tracy makes our twice-weekly sessions something I look forward to. Amazing!


Marty said...

Jill, you inspire me. In fact you have inspired me to work out each day starting on New Year's Eve.

You can do this, I know you can. Yikes! 10 weeks to train. I had better get started right now. Before your encouragement, I would have never thought of running a half marathon. Thank you so much. Cinci will be a bunch of fun!

Karen said...

Yay Jill! 10 weeks of training - wow! I'm going to try for exercising at least 3 days a week, it's my New Year's Resolution. (I've never made one before, so hopefully it will work!) We are SO coming to see you in the Flying Pig Half Marathon. My dad did it several years ago as his first big race, it was so cool! I can't wait to hear about how it's going, your blog is so inspiring. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

A trainer sounds like a great way to
ramp up fitness. Go Jill! Jo