
Friday, January 14, 2011

Ditching Diets

I'm finding out that giving up dieting isn't easy, especially since I've been doing it since the age of 12.

I remember that first diet the summer I was 12 years old. My mother bought a little booklet in the supermarket checkout promising weight loss. She and I would do it together, with the hopes of slimming me down before the start of school. The first day was a total fast from all solid food. That's tough for a 12-year old but I did it. At the end of the day my mother rewarded me with a milkshake. The next few days were nothing but cottage cheese, Melba toast and grapefruit. I don't remember if I lost weight on this diet, but I do remember fasting, the milkshake reward and the ensuing days of "diet" food. Thus, began my long love-hate with diets and food.

It's no fault of my mother's. She was doing what she had learned from television, magazines and diet books. Everyday we're all bombarded with mixed messages of decadent food followed by weight-loss advice. Don't believe me? Just check out any women's magazine. It's enough to make one's head spin, and it doesn't actually do any good for losing weight long term.

That's why I finally gave up dieting and got rid of all my diet books. But dieting thoughts insidiously are still jumping into my brain. Earlier this week I decided to limit carbs and count my total carb intake. That's a diet. Then I thought that I should go back to Weight Watchers. That's a diet. I shook loose those ideas and didn't act on them, but it was hard.

Eating right and exercising are the long-term keys to success. I just have to keep reminding myself. Do you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, I gave up diets once under these same premises. I am unfortunately missed a "gauge" or something in my head. Even if I say "I'm going to eat healthy food" I feel the pull towards the most calorie dense foods like nuts, oils, and other "healthy" foods. I feel like I need an external force telling me where the middle of the road is and I fuel that with all the diet articles/books/blogs I can take. At the end of the day can I say it is working? No. Am I on to my "new" latest and greatest - yes! And maybe this time it really will work? I'd love to hear about your internal compass more and of course I'll be back to see how your adventure goes. Good luck!