
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good Calories, Bad Calories

After yesterday's rant again diet books, I have to admit that I have yet to return one to the library: the 640-page tome "Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health" by the remarkable science writer Gary Taubes. This isn't so much a diet book as a work of investigative journalism, unearthing the assumptions made about why America is gaining weight. Taubes doesn't pull any punches -- nor does he water down the science. It's tough reading, but truly fascinating and is making me re-think all I know about carbohydrates.

As a vegetarian, the foundation of my diet is carbs, ironically, rather than vegetables. I think it's true for most vegetarians. I eat a lot of pasta, rice, bread, cereals and potatoes. True, they tend to be whole grains but Taubes is making me consider if this isn't part of my weight problem. And he may be on to something. I've had trouble ever since making carbs the base of meals. Even my observant father noted this.

So, as I'm shifting my diet, I'm shifting my carb consumption, too. I've reduced the amount of carbs I'm eating and I must admit that I feel better and the weight is coming off easier. I'm eating more vegetables and protein, too, which isn't a bad thing.

Check out Taubes' work. You might be equally surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill, I am interested in this carb thing. Please keep blogging about what you learn about carbs.
Great blog!